
3 Secrets To Reduce Or Eliminate Neuropathy Naturally From The Comfort Of Home

Combining innovative at-home technology and lifestyle solutions to rebuild and restore nerves without drugs, injections or surgery.

What Our Patients Are Saying

Here are some amazing stories and testimonials of patients we have had the chance to serve.

I began my neuropathy therapy with Nuerogen on April 12th 2023. By the 3rd treatment my left foot wasn’t blue anymore.  It was a pretty skin tone instead of blue. I had my midway evaluation May 18th 2023. I had 2% feeling in my left foot when I began.  I don’t know the exact percentage now but I felt everything through the evaluation on my left foot. On the first initial evaluation I had almost no feeling in my left foot. My right foot wasn’t as bad as the left foot. My right foot has also improved a bunch.

I had my doubts about trying this approach.  I had pretty much been told I had to live with it and take pain meds that left me in a daily fog. I’m telling you, it works! Don’t live with the pain of neuropathy any longer. Go see Dr. LEWIS and his employee’s.  They are all so easy to work with. There is nothing to be nervous about.

I thank all of you at NueroGen for helping me. May God continue to bless all of you and to continue healing your patients.

Wow! Is what I felt the next morning after I awaken from just 1 I’m telling you 1 treatment.  I have awaken in the night with pain in my fingertips and now toes but after my first office treatment and home treatment that I received to take home. Next I left town took my rebuilder and I forgot my pain meds. I thought I’m doomed I had been in so much pain.

The day before I returned home I realized I had very little pain. IT’S WORKING. Can’t wait to FIRE the doctors that want to load my body with pharmaceutical drugs.   They haven’t helped me they just mask the pain.


Theresa LaGail Watts

I have been numb on my right side from my waist Down to my toes and the toes on my left foot since I had Covid over two years ago.  I saw the free consultation offer on Facebook and decided to give it a try.  My neurologist saw me but said he couldn’t do anything.

Dr. Lewis took over an hour explaining the process to my wife and I.  I knew if I kept going without treatment, amputation might be in my future.  After two home treatments and one office treatment I could feel my toes and feet for the first time in two years.  I am excited to reverse this horrible neuropathy issue.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, Dr. Lewis for accepting me as a patient.  I look forward to my next treatment!  I now understand and know that new nerve tissue can be rebuilt and this neuropathy problem totally reversed.

Marsha M.

Our Focus


NeuroGen Medical works with patients suffering with peripheral neuropathy who want to feel, sleep, and walk better to regain or maintain their freedom and independence



How it works

How Do We Diagnose &Treat Joint/Nerve Damage?

Our process is quick and painless but gives us a very precise amount of damage...down to a 10th of a percent!

Once we know how much damage you have, we will know if you are a candidate for our comprehensive treatment protocol.

Too far to drive?

We even have a convenient at-home program so we can evaluate and you can treat your neuropathy without leaving the comfort of your own home!


Do You Accept My Insurance?

We accept Medicare and most other insurances. Medicaid, however, does not provide any coverage.

If, after reviewing the results of your exam, we determine that we can accept your case, we will develop a treatment plan and contact your insurance to verify coverage benefits.

During our follow up visit, we will review your exam findings and answer the four questions everyone wants to know: What's wrong, can we help, how long will it take and how much does it cost.


Patient Testimonials

Let us show you what can happen when you use the NeuroGen Recipe for Regeneration on peripheral neuropathy.

More proof


Here are questions most people have before they begin care with our clinic.

Get Freedom From Neuropathy Today.

Click the button below and start your path to reversing neuropathy from the comfort of your own home.